News & Events
Is 75 The New 65? How The Definition Of Aging Is Changing
Chronological age doesn’t mean what it used to, and why that matters Aging and mortality are intrinsic to the human condition. Accepting our mortality as humans underpins our search for meaning in life and our quest for wisdom and maturity. But when the average age of The Rolling Stones exceeds that of the U.S. Supreme...
Stroke Awareness – Prevention and Recovery Tips
Did you know that stroke is a leading cause of disability and death in the United States? While over 800,000 people in the US experience a stroke each year, the good news is that over 80% of strokes can be prevented by making healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle. Learn some tips for stroke...
Living Life to the Fullest
Pastor Larry Stappler, Director of Pastoral Care, Immanuel Living Pastor Larry speaks about “Living Life to the Fullest.”
The co-authors of ‘The Book On Retirement’ provide the answer (This article is adapted from The Book On Retirement: Are you ready for the Second Half of your financial life? by Kevin Houser and Gary Plessl.) Most people think estate planning is about their death. But it’s really not. It’s about your control over your assets — control while...
Making these moves now will make things easier for your family later No one really wants to talk about death. But physical death is inevitable, for everyone. The death of a spouse, family member or close friend brings a deep sadness as the complications of grieving begin. At such a difficult time when you are experiencing the...
An attorney and Next Avenue Influencer in Aging helps decode the process Part of the TRANSFORMING LIFE AS WE AGE SPECIAL REPORT (Next Avenue invited all our 2016 Influencers in Aging to submit essays about the one thing they would like to change about aging in America. This is one of the essays.) Most adults have at least heard...
The Problem With Do-It-Yourself Online Wills
These documents could save money, but can lay estate planning traps Credit: Adobe As a professional trustee and executor, I have seen hundreds of estate-planning documents, including some from do-it-yourself online services. I appreciate that using a DIY site to draft a will can save money and time. But I’m also concerned that sometimes doing it...
National Hearing & Speech Month
Ashley Kennessy from The Retreat at Buffalo Hill Ashley speaks about National Hearing & Speech Month. Each May, Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) provides an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders.
3 Lower Back Exercises to Celebrate National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
A common misconception about physical fitness is that it must involve strenuous exercises and long workouts in order to reap the benefits.
Your Top 10 Objects Your Kids Don’t Want
The author of ‘No Thanks Mom’ tells you what to do with them The following is excerpted from No Thanks Mom: The Top Ten Objects Your Kids Do NOT Want (and what to do with them). Your house, and what it contains, is a minefield in the eyes of your grown children. They can see...