News & Events
John Hendricks interviewed Pastor Al Jensen, Director of Pastoral Care at Immanuel Living. Pastor Al visited with John about the power of gratitude.
State Association Honors Immanuel Living’ Ivy Nelson
The Montana Health Care Association honored Ivy Nelson of Immanuel Living with its Certified Nurse Aide of the Year award at its annual awards banquet during its recent midyear convention in Anaconda.
Growing Roots Early Learning Center
John Hendricks interviewed the Director of Immanuel Living’ new Growing Roots Early Learning Center, Leigh Ann Downie-Economy and Rebecca Timis from Human Resources about this exciting new employment benefit.
An Update on Immanuel Living with President & CEO, Jason Cronk
John Hendricks interviewed Jason Cronk, President & CEO, about the happenings on campus.
Kathryn Mock, Dietician, Talks Healthy Diet Ideas
Kathryn Mock, registered dietician at Immanuel Living talks about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. Kathryn outlines how the food we eat plays a large role when it comes to disease, comorbidities, overall health, and how to make healthier food choices as we head into the holiday season.
Montana Hospital Association Names Immanuel Living, “Best Place To Work”
Immanuel Living Earns Top Honor for Healthcare Employer of the Year (Helena, Mont.) – The Montana Hospital Association is pleased to announce St. Immanuel Living is the winner of the association’s 2022 Best Place to Work Award for non-hospitals in the state. The Best Place to Work Award is designed to honor both small and...
How to Prevent Falls
Katie Kelly discusses fall prevention, simple changes you can make in your life to avoid falls, and what to do when a fall does happen. Listen to the full episode to hear tips and tricks to help improve your safety!
Fitness & Mental Health — with Todd Roush, Fitness Coordinator
Fitness Coordinator Todd Roush talks about the correlation between mental health and physical exercise. Todd oversees the fitness department at Immanuel Living and helps residents remain active and healthy through group exercise, one-on-one training, coaching and more. Listen to the full episode to hear about you can improve your mental health one step at a...
Walk To End Alzheimer’s
Join us Saturday, October 1st, 2022 for the Walk To End Alzheimer’s at the Kalispell Center Mall. Registration begins @ 10:00AM and opening ceremonies begin @11:00AM. To join Immanuel’s team go to and search for Immanuel Living. From the Alzheimer’s Association — The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is full of flowers —...
Walk With Us to End Alzheimer’s
Hannah Brown, Director of Resident Services discusses Immanuel Living’ involvement and sponsorship of Flathead County’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s.