News & Events
Broaching The Subject Of Hearing Loss
6 ideas for bringing up an often touchy subject with your loved one By Mark Ray December 20, 2019 Helene Rosenthal’s day starts when she gets out of bed and puts in her hearing aids, something that’s as natural as brushing her teeth. It ends when she climbs into bed and says to her husband, Jim, “Is...
4 ways that choosing, and hanging with, the right ones can help By Rashelle Brown You know that friend who’s kind of a bad influence? The one who’s great at convincing you to have one more glass of wine or to split the appetizer platter when you know you should opt for the steamed edamame instead?...
Marjorie Johnson’s Recipe for Longevity
The centenarian baking champion shares ingredients for a long, sweet life By Kevyn Burger Credit: NBC Universal Marjorie Johnson celebrating her birthday on The Kelly Clarkson Show In honor of her most recent birthday, Marjorie Johnson was serenaded by a Grammy Award-winning singer and an Emmy award-winning comedian on a national TV show. It wasn’t just any...
Could Meditation Benefit Cognitive Function?
Here’s what researchers know so far By Patricia Corrigan Contributing Writer (Editor’s note: This is the fourth story in a four-part weekly series on meditation, including its benefits for pain management, mental health and overall well-being. The first article in the series is Do You Meditate? Here’s Why You Might Want To; the second article is How Meditation Can...
Caregiver Burnout – What It Means And How To Cope
Know the signs that you need a break — for your health and your loved one’s By Gina Roberts-Grey Money & Security Writer (This article appeared previously on Caregiving can bring many positives into your life — but it can also take a toll, both physically and emotionally. Without finding a balance between caring for your loved...
4 Ways To Maintain Healthy Family Relationships
Deploy a little patience this holiday season By Ken Druck (Editor’s note: This essay is the latest in a series from author and speaker Ken Druck, based on work in his book Courageous Aging, which is about how all people can make peace with, and find joy in, every stage of life.) Things don’t stay the same as...
When Is It Time To Hire Dementia Care Help?
CAREGIVING Don’t wait until you’re in an emergency situation By Madeline Vann From Part of the ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA: PERSONAL STORIES, RESEARCH, ADVICE SPECIAL REPORT (This article appeared previously on Caring for a loved one with dementia comes with enormous physical and emotional challenges. Yet’s recent Family Caregiver Journey Survey showed that just one in four family caregivers (26 percent) who...
Making Social Gatherings More Meaningful
It’s more about the conversation than the canapés, says author Priya Parker By Margie Zable Fisher The food was great, the wine was flowing and your friends gave you great gifts for your birthday. You were expecting a wonderful evening. But at the end of the night, you felt let down. And the sad part is...
6 Ways To Deal With Sentimental Items When Decluttering
Start slowly, create categories and seek help if you need it By Rachel Hartman November 22, 2019 Organizing. and getting rid of, extra belongings can make it easier to downsize, clean a home and entertain guests. But what should be done with a stack of boxes containing memorabilia stashed in a closet? Or a basement filled with...
Rehab Is Often The Missing Piece Of Cancer Recovery
Many people are unaware of how physical and occupational rehab can help By Cameron Walker (This article appeared previously in the American Association for Cancer Research’s Cancer Today.) In July 2010, 52-year-old Julie Barthels, a clinical director of a rape crisis center, woke up with a sharp pain in her right breast. When the pain persisted for...